Friday, February 15, 2008

you take my bag away.

there is a place at the front of every sydney bus where passengers are encouraged to leave their bags and parcels to make a bit more room on the bus. and the shocking thing is that people actually do leave their things there: backpacks, birthday presents, skateboards, pinatas, birthing stools, you name it. this shocks me!

if you asked someone on the ttc to kindly leave their bag at the front of the vehicle to make a more pleasant ride for everyone, they would likely- well, first they would likely ignore you since we are mostly afraid of making contact of any kind. then they might scoff and demand of you if you know just how much this lululemon yoga/diaper/colostomy bag cost them, thank you very much. and then they might spit at you. or not. but they certainly wouldn't leave their bag at the front of the bus.

i'm still clutching my pack on my lap when i ride the bus here, the reason being that it is small and unobtrusive. but give me time.
this picture has nothing to do with the bus. but i took it yesterday and i think it is pretty.


Jason Hudson Dot Com said...

Firstly, the picture is beyond pretty, it's gorgeous and if you keep it up, I'll force you into a PHOTOblog too!

I love Australia.

Anonymous said...

since jason and i seem to be the only ones in the running for your love, who do you love more? i know it is a silly question with an obvious answer since you've known jason longer.

i love your blog. it is way better than facebook. keep it up as it will be an unbelieveable keepsake of your time unscheduling yourself in australia.


Jason Hudson Dot Com said...

I could read this entry 1000000 times. GUT LAUGHING. Colostomy bag. Birthing stool. I love you.