Tuesday, February 19, 2008

a day for family.

happy family day ontario. this new day feels even more imaginary to me since i am missing the first one. but happy family day nevertheless.

chris is spending today with my sister kate. they went to a cycling class at the gym and then back to chris's house for lunch- tortellini soup and a salad. they played a rousing tournament of clue- kate lost again and again as chris is very good at clue. it's okay- you can't beat kate at boggle, so it all evens out. now they are finishing the day by heading up to my family home to have dinner with my dad.

i can't tell you how happy this makes me.

it is a lot to let someone into your life the way you do in a relationship. it is even more to ask the people already in your life to let that person in as well. it makes me a little weepy to think of my family eating dinner without me but together with chris. weepy in the best possible way.

my sister and chris skyped me right after i woke up this morning. they were chatty and giggling and making fun of each other in the jovial, lighthearted way that they do. kate told me that she cleaned chris's kitchen sink for him. what on earth could be better than that? i can't imagine anything better.

when lily goldsmith introduced me to christina behind a halloween party years and years ago, i don't think she knew she was introducing best friends. when chris thompson brought me and jason face-to-face on the subway platform at yonge and bloor i don't think he knew he was starting us on a lifelong friendship. similarly when i sent kate to chris for help with her english essay two autumns ago i could only have hoped for the friendship they are building.

don't worry, i know how lucky i am.


Jason Hudson Dot Com said...

Happy Family Day. You are it.

Anonymous said...

you've got a pretty great family.

looking at the picture of kate and me you'd think we were siblings...maybe. it's the brown hair and lack of height.
