Friday, February 15, 2008

helen househunt.

i have never really had to hunt for a house. my family moved several times when i was a child, but the decision-making rested with my parents by virtue of the fact that i was four. then when i moved out on my own at eighteen i moved directly into the house where my dear friend christina was already living. easy.

now i am hunting for a house, and might i add that i am doing it in a city i have little to no knowledge of. hunt is perhaps the wrong word. a house is not an easter egg. no one places the perfect house for you somewhere- you must search for a house. i am searching for a house and i think i finally have found a lovely place to stay on sydney's lower north shore. hooray!

but in the past week i have seen a number of houses, none of which (for better or for worse) were quite what they seemed in the adds on or what follows is an exact record of my experience of one such house earlier this week copied word for word out of my journal:
feb 12/08

have just come from shani and stu's in st. peter's. hello. on the agonizing walk (due to flip-flop blisters) a black cat crossed my path- in front of a cemetery! a pit bull barked and gnawed at me through a gate. i walked past a number of dilapidated storefronts, auto parts warehouses with slamming metal doors, and abandoned sheepskin dealers. then got to 307a prince's highway- shani and stu are a nice goth couple. and they have a pet snake. named scope- short for kaleidescope. he's an american cornbread- or something. and they live airport adjacent and the jet flying overhead shook the roof. and they live directly on a busy, noisy traffic artery clogged with pick-up trucks and service vans driven by guys who might not eat carrot cake cupcakes and listen to the 'juno' soundtrack. on my way out there was an actual cockroach on the stoop. honest to god.

funnily, none of this was in the ad.

though it is only $150/week....

the snake is actually called an american cornsnake but the rest is true. and the snake lived in an open tank. just for good measure.

here is some info about the snake:

"the american cornsnake (elaphe guttata) or red rat snake is a north american species of rat snake. a corn snake
suffocates its prey by wrapping its body around it. constricting prey is a basic instinct for a type of snake called a constrictor, and it will perform this action in the wild and in captivity."

that's all.


Jason Hudson Dot Com said...

I laughed out loud several times.

1) The title.
2) "a house is not an easter egg."
3) "and they live directly on a busy, noisy traffic artery clogged with pick-up trucks and service vans driven by guys who might not eat carrot cake cupcakes and listen to the 'juno' soundtrack." - Peeing myself.

Seriously, your blog is a dream. I don't feel like you're so far away. I hear you in my head and I wanna weep.

PS: My gramma sent her first response (not her pregnancy test) to my questions . . . I told you about that, yes?

T.J. said...

I'm loving your blog Brian!
Your story about the snake and your follow-up supporting material...amazing.

Anonymous said...

i seriously love you. and your blog. and your beautiful writing.
my wish is for you to post more frequently so i can further procrastinate. :)


Anonymous said...

this blog is fab!
such great writing and beautiful pics.
love you!

Anonymous said...

I must say that reading about your adventures in Ozville are hugely entertaining. You must have inherited your writing style from Opa.

While likely not as picturesque as Upper Rubber Boot (Ont.), Sydney seems to be running a close 2nd.
I'm anxiously awaiting further installments as pending move-in date approaches. Have you booked a cube van already?


Anonymous said...


love the blogs.

keep 'em comin'


wish i was with ya.
but not in that house.

xoxo burnsie

Jason Hudson Dot Com said...

I've been wondering.

Did you consider Bonnie Househunt? Or Househunter Tylo? Holly Househunter? Any of those?