Tuesday, May 6, 2008

reason #301 why i love sheila

i love living with sheila. she is easygoing and tidy and intelligent and caring. she sometimes makes delicious curried lamb and shares it with me. she always provides running commentary to keep me up to speed when i join her for an episode of 'home and away', an aussie soap that is her unabashed guilty pleasure. she and i never need the shower at the same time. and she is funny. she makes me laugh pretty much daily, deep down laugh from my belly. she tells circuitous, hilarious stories punctuated with her low register giggle. she regales me with lively tales of her working life most evenings. and she is quick as a whip.

last night she was doing laundry and she had asked me if i had any light coloured items i wanted to toss in. i did. and to be kind, sheila asked, "there are a few darker things in here. are you sure that there's nothing of yours that is too precious?"

"well there is the lost shroud of christ, but other than that..." i said.

and without a moment's hesitation sheila said, "so i'll wash it on gentle then?"

i love her.

1 comment:

Jason Hudson Dot Com said...

Ah, I feel like I was there.
I can hear every beat!